A problem for most Mac users is the question, 'How can I remove widgets on Mac?' Well, not to worry — deleting widgets on a Mac isn't such a problem. All you need is a little bit of time, or just the right tools. So in this article, we'll go over how to remove widgets on Mac OS two ways: one way is with a Mac utility, and the other is removing Mac widgets manually.

Add apps, shortcuts & widgets to your Home screens As a precautionary health measure for our support specialists in light of COVID-19, we're operating with a limited team. Thanks for your patience, as it may take longer than usual to connect with us. Dashboard widgets are similar to Google Gadgets except that it’s intended for Dashboard of Mac OS X Tiger operating system, while Google Universal Gadget is a web-page based widgets. In order to install and use the Google Gadget on Apple Mac OS X Tiger OS, Google Gadget has to be converted into a Dashboard widget, by using Amnesty Generator.

How to Delete Widgets on Mac Manually

To remove widgets on Mac manually:

  1. Hover on the Dock at the bottom of your screen, and click Applications.
  2. Select Dashboard.
  3. Click the '+' Icon in the lower-left corner of the screen.
  4. Click-and-hold on the widget you'd like to remove.
  5. Click the circle with the 'x' at the top-left of the widget icon.
  6. Confirm deletion by clicking 'Delete.'

Google Desktop was a computer program with desktop search capabilities, created by Google for Linux, Apple Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows systems. It allowed text searches of a user's email messages, computer files, music, photos, chats, Web pages viewed, and the ability to display 'Google Gadgets' on the user's desktop in a Sidebar. In September 2011, Google announced it.

Note: After deleting the widget (or widgets), click the background of the of the widget list screen to move back to the Dashboard; then, click the arrow icon in the lower-right corner of the Dashboard to to exit it.

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A widget is a simple UI element that provides one or more of the following:

  • Structure for other widgets such as cards and sections,
  • Information to the user such as text and images, or
  • Affordances for action such as buttons, text input fields, or checkboxes.

Dashboard Widgets Mac

Sets of widgets added to card sections define the overall add-on UI. The widgetshave the same appearance and function on both web and mobile devices. Thereference documentationdescribes a number of methods for building widget sets.

Use the Google Workspace Add-ons design kit

To save time designing an add-on's widgets, designers can use theGoogle Workspace add-ons UI design kit available on Figma.You can create a free Figma account, or request a license from yourorganization's administrator.

Browse the components and use built-in templates to create and visualize widgets.

Widget types

Best mac widgets

Add-on widgets are generally categorized into three groups: structural widgets,informational widgets, and user interaction widgets.

Structural widgets

Structural widgets provide containers and organization for the other widgetsused in the AI.

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  • Button Set—Acollection of one or more text or image buttons, grouped together in ahorizontal row.
  • Card—A single contextcard that contains one or more card sections. You define how users can movebetween cards by configuringcard navigation.
  • Card Header—Theheader for a given card. Card headers can have titles, subtitles, and animage. Card actions anduniversal actions appear in thecard header if the add-on uses them.
  • Card Section—Acollected group of widgets, divided from the other card sections by ahorizontal rule and optionally having a section header. Each card must haveat least one card section. You cannot add cards or card headers to a cardsection.
Warning: When you add a widget to one of the containers, you are creating andadding a copy of that widget. If you change the widget after adding it, thechange is not reflected in the interface. For this reason, always make sure thewidget is complete before adding it. If you need to change a widget afteradding it, you must rebuild the entire card section or card. SeeConstructing cardsfor more details.

In addition to these basic structural widgets, in aGoogle Workspace add-on you can usethe Card service to create structures that overlap the current card:fixed footers and peek cards:

Fixed footer

You can now add a fixed row of buttons to the bottom of your card. This rowdoesn't move or scroll with the rest of the card content. The followingcode excerpt shows how to define an example fixed footer and add it to a card:

Peek card

When new contextual contentis triggered by a user action, such as opening aGmail message, you can either display the new contextual content immediately(default behavior) or display a peek card notification at the bottom of thesidebar. If a user clicks Back to return to your homepage while acontextual trigger is active, a peek card appears to help users find thecontextual content again.

To display a peek card when new contextual content is available, instead ofimmediately displaying the new contextual content, add.setDisplayStyle(CardService.DisplayStyle.PEEK) to yourCardBuilderclass. A peek card only appears if a single card object is returned with yourcontextual trigger; otherwise, the returned cards immediately replace thecurrent card.

To customize the peek card’s header, add the .setPeekCardHeader() method witha standard CardHeaderobject when building your contextual card. By default, a Peek card headercontains only the name of your add-on.

Note: Peek cards don't appear in mobile apps.

The following code, based on theCats Google Workspace add-on quickstart,notifies users about new contextual content with a Peek card and customizesthe Peek card's header to display the selected Gmail message thread's subject.

Informational widgets

Informational widgets present information to the user.

  • Image—An imageindicated by a hosted and publicly accessbile URL you provide.
  • KeyValue—A textcontent string that you can pair with other elements such as top and bottomtext labels, and an image or icon. KeyValue widgets can also include aButton orSwitch widget. Added switchescan be simple toggles or checkboxes. The content textof the KeyValue widget can useHTML formatting; the topand bottom labels must use plain text.
  • Text Paragraph—Asimple text paragraph, which can includeHTML formatted elements.

Calendar Widget For Mac

User interaction widgets

User interaction widgets allow the add-on to respond to actions taken by theusers. You can configure these widgets with action responses todisplay different cards, open URLs, show notifications, compose draft emails,or run other Apps Script functions. See theBuilding Interactive Cards guide fordetails.

  • Card Action—A menuitem placed in the add-on header bar menu. The header bar menu can alsocontain items defined as universal actions,which appear on every card the add-on defines.
  • DateTime Pickers—widgetsthat allow users to select a date, time, or both. SeeDate and time pickersbelow for more information.
  • Image Button—Abutton that uses an image instead of text. You can use one of severalpre-defined icons or a publicly-hosted image indicated by its URL.
  • Selection Input—Aninput field that represents a collection of options. Selection input widgetspresent as checkboxes, radio buttons or drop-down selection boxes.
  • Switch—A togglewidget. You can only use switches in conjunction with aKeyValue widget. By defaultthese display as a toggle switch, but you can cause them to display asa checkbox instead.
  • Text Button—Abutton with a text label. You can specify a background color fill for textbuttons (the default is transparent). You can also disable the button asneeded.
  • Text Input—A textinput field. The widget can have title text, hint text and multiline text.The widget can trigger actions when the text value changes.

KeyValue checkboxes

You can now define a KeyValuewidget that has a checkbox attached, instead of a button or binary toggleswitch. Like with switches, the value of the checkbox is included in theaction event objectthat is passed to the Actionattached to this KeyValueby thesetOnClickAction(action)method.

The following code excerpt shows how to define a checkbox KeyValuewidget, which you can then add to a card:

Date and time pickers

You can now define widgets that allow users to select a time, a date, or both.You can use setOnChangeAction() to assign a widget handler function toexecute when the value of the picker changes.


The following code excerpt shows how to define a date-only picker, a time-onlypicker, and a date-time picker, which you can then add to a card:

The following is an example of a date-time picker widget handler function. Thishandler simply formats and logs a string representing the date-time chosen bythe user in a date-time picker widget with the ID 'myDateTimePickerWidgetID':

The table below shows examples of the picker selection UIs on desktop and mobiledevices. When selected, the date picker opens a month-based calendar UI to allowthe user to quickly select a new date.

When the user selects the time picker on desktop devices, a drop-down menu openswith a list of times separated in 30 minute increments that the user can selectfrom. The user can also type in a specific time. On mobile devices selecting atime picker opens the built-in mobile 'clock' time picker.


Text formatting

Some text-based widgets can support simple text HTML formatting. When settingthe text content of these widgets, just include the corresponding HTML tags.The following formats are supported:

FormatExampleRendered Result
Font color<font color='#ea9999'>test</font>test
Hyperlink<a href='http://www.google.com'>google</a>google
Time<time>2020-02-16 15:00</time>2020-02-16 15:00
Newlinetest <br> testtest

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Hyperlinks in add-on text widgets open in a new tab when clicked. Youmust add the link URLs you use to your manifest'sopenLinkUrlPrefixesfield.